Lab regulations
- All students may gain access to OLIT computer lab equipment via their student identification cards.
- Users failing to arrive at scheduled computer course times are deemed to have waived their rights to use computer lab equipments.
- Users may not copy or print copyrighted works using OLIT computer lab equipment without authorization. Any violators will be held solely responsible.
- Rules for computer lab use:
- Playing computer games, browsing pornography, and violating intellectual property rights are strictly forbidden.
- No dangerous or contaminative objects are permitted in the computer labs.
- No disassembling, adjusting, moving, or damaging of any equipment. Violators will be held liable for any damage or losses.
- No smoking, drinking, or eating permitted in the labs. Please keep noise levels to a minimum and ensure at all times that you do not disturb other users.
- Do not use any computers or equipment labeled for instructor use only.
- Any serious violations or actions that affect the rights of other users will result in the immediate revocation of lab privileges, and offenders will be punished.
- Users must keep all areas of the labs tidy at all times.
Computer Classroom Open Hours
- Regular Semester opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:20 am to 10:50 pm.
- Winter and summer vacation opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:20 am to 4:50 pm.
- National holidays, School holidays, Saturdays and Sundays do not open.
- Computer class schedules are displayed on the computer lab bulletin board each semester.
- The computer labs are not available for use during computer classes and regular maintenance.
- Notice will be given in advance if the labs are closed for other reasons.
Computer classroom hardware
- PC classroom 1
- Capacity of 68 people.
- Hardware: Inter Core (TM) i5-4590, 4G RAM.
- Provide WINDOWS 7 and network environment.
- 4. With the base program language teaching and computer-aided design.
- PC classroom 2
- Capacity of 60 people
- Hardware: Inter Core (TM) i5-4590, 4G RAM.
- Provide WINDOWS 7 and network environment.
- With the base program language teaching and computer-aided design.
Computer classroom software
Provide Windows 7 operating system, network teaching operating system, computer-aided design software, tool software, programming language, and the legitimate software.
- Windows 7
- Visual Studio 2012
- Matlab
- Autocad 2016
- PhotoImpact
- SolidWork
- Network software
- Painting software